MIFTI was founded in 2008 by scientists from the University of California Irvine. For over 25 years, these scientist have researched and refined a method of controlled thermonuclear fusion, based on Staged Z-Pinch. This concept has predicted a net gain of controlled thermonuclear fusion energy that can possibly solve the world’s energy problems. A by-product of this fusion reaction can also be used to generate radioisotpes that are used in nuclear medicine procedures worldwide.
Our Mission

Stable Implosion of Target
UCI Z-pinch Facility
Humankind’s sustainable existence and future growth is dependent on technological discoveries and advances in new energy sources. Wind, solar, and hydropower are what most people think of as sustainable energy sources. While these technologies will play an important role in providing the energy mankind will need in the future, they will not, in and of themselves, be able to supply all our energy needs. Scientists, worldwide, know that the real and final solution to the energy crisis, now and in the foreseeable future, is fusion-based nuclear power. Scientists also know that the best and most abundant source of clean, sustainable, and inexpensive fuel is an isotope of hydrogen from seawater.
Magneto-Inertial Fusion Technologies, Inc. (MIFTI) is the only company in the world that has researched staged Z-pinch technology, utilizing computational modeling, computer simulations, and laboratory experiments, for over the last twenty years. Only recently have MIFTI’s scientists been able to overcome the instability problems of Z-pinch. This problem was solved, because sophisticated software was made available to the MIFTI scientists at the University of California, Irvine by the U.S. Air Force. Years of experimentation and understanding the science have led MIFTI’s scientists to conclude that the staged Z-pinch fusion approach will change the landscape of electricity production globally by providing a net energy gain from ten to fifty times the energy used to create the process.
MIFTI’s technology will have positive worldwide consequences, not only for energy, but will solve the current crisis of worldwide shortages in nuclear medicine, as staged Z-pinch is very flexible and can be applied to a number of earth’s dilemmas. MIFTI’s goal is simply to provide the people of earth with energy and medicines, at a reasonable and fair price, with no carbon dioxide emissions. MIFTI technology is environmentally friendly – and forever.
MIFTI Management Team
Gerald Simmons, Chief Executive Officer
Gerald Simmons was previously President of MOS International, a high-tech company that develops and markets sophisticated hardware and software, and multi-user/multi-tasking computer systems for commercial and government applications. As President of MOS, Mr. Simmons had full accountability for profit and loss, and performed executive management functions for all facets of the business, including manufacturing, product development, vendor relations, corporate direction, finance, policies and procedures, as well as marketing functions.
Mr. Simmons was an early backer and investor in Dr. Jonas Salk’s (discovered the Polio Vaccine) start-up company, Immune Response; a company founded to find a cure for the HIV virus. Over the years, Mr. Simmons has been instrumental in numerous start-ups, from inception to IPO and/or sale, including Data Pac Systems and Stamps.Com. Other companies Mr. Simmons managed or consulted for are IBM, Inertial Propulsion Systems, Microvalt, U.S.P.S, Velocity, Docexchange, Tritek Technology, Micro General Corp., Sony Corp., and Hewlett Packard. Mr. Simmons was also co-founder and a board director of Tri-Alpha Energy; an R&D company researching fusion-based nuclear power production.
Dr. Hafiz Ur Rahman, President
Dr. Rahman has a solid background in theoretical, experimental and computational plasma physics. He has consistently published papers in international scientific journals and presented lectures on original scientific work at national and international conferences and workshops. He taught various physics courses in different universities around the world, and is experienced in working both industry and educational institutions. He is skilled in developing and implementing standardized policies and procedures, and is experienced in leading large size business and academic groups.
Dr. Rahman holds an appointment in the department of Physics and astronomy as a project scientist. He has over three decades of experience in the field of fusion-energy and space physics research. His research spans on all three areas of experiment, theory and computational physics. His particular emphasis on research has been on: dense Z pinches for fusion, laboratory simulation of space plasma structures, and propagation of neutralized plasma beams.
Dr. Rahman previously directed the Space Simulation Laboratory at Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP) from 1986-2000. He was the Principal Investigator on various projects funded by NASA, NSF, US Air Force, DOE and NRL. He served as principal investigator on staged Z-pinch research conducted as a joint venture between Universities of California Riverside and Irvine that was funded by US department of Energy.
Dr. Rahman holds B. Sc. From Punjab University and M. Sc., M. Phil from Quaid-i-Azam University Pakistan. In 1983, he earned his Ph.D. in physics from Ruher University Bochum and Quaid-i-Azam University under DAAD scholarship program. Dr. Rahman has published over 70 papers in archival journals and books. He presently has two patents pending for final approval.
Honors, awards
Deutche Akademische Austaushdienst (DAAD) Pre- Ph.D. Scholarship from 1979-1981, West Germany
Co-Recipient of Non-senate Distinguished Researcher award for 1996-1997 from University of California Riverside.
Dr. Emil Ruskov, Lead Scientist
Emil Ruskov has worked with fusion plasmas for over 20 years. His interest in fusion energy has led him from classical magnetically confined concepts (large aspect ratio tokamaks and spherical tokamaks), to linear Filed-Reversed Configurations (FRC), and recently, to Z-pinches. He has worked on experimental design, modeling and data analysis, developed diagnostics and data acquisition systems, and lead teams of scientists, and domestic and international collaborations.
Early on in his career, he participated in the first and only US magnetically confined fusion experiments using deuterium and tritium fuel. Time magazine announced that those experiments, conducted at the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR) in Princeton, NJ, were one of the top ten scientific achievements for the year 1995. In addition to TFTR, Dr. Ruskov collaborated on experiments at the DIII-D tokamak, General Atomics, and at the spherical tokamak NSTX, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory. Later he worked as a lead scientist at Tri Alpha Energy, a large, privately funded fusion research company focused on the FRC concept. These days he is helping spearhead experimental efforts and data analysis for the Staged Z-pinch fusion concept, undertaken in collaboration with the University of Nevada, Reno and the Center for Energy Research, UC San Diego.
Dr. Ruskov is a UC Irvine PhD Physics and Astronomy graduate, class of 1995, and he continues his affiliation with the university as a research scientist. He has published over 60 papers in leading plasma physics and fusion energy research journals.
Mohammad Arshad, COO & CFO
Mohammad Arshad has extensive experience leveraging senior executive level networks in the wholesale and retail industries and in high technology. He has been brining new and innovative solutions to the global market place over last 20 years of executive experience with strategic planning, plant operations, and modern production systems. He is capable of managing and running all aspects of new or existing businesses.
Mohammad Arshad holds MBA in International Business from Florida International University. He also holds MBA in Management Information Systems (With Distinction) from Quaid-I-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Rosario Marin, former US Treasurer
Rosario Marin served for 22 years at the local, state, and national levels. In addition, her professional career includes banking, non-profit organizations, and the corporate world. She is a businesswoman, an author, and an internationally recognized public speaker.
She served as Secretary of the State and Consumer Services Agency, from 2006 through March, 2009, where she oversaw 17 state departments including the licensing of 2.4 million Californians in more than 255 different professions, and the procurement of more than nearly $9 billion worth of goods and services.
In 2001, she was appointed by President George W. Bush and unanimously confirmed by the U.S. Senate. Ms. Marin served as the 41st Treasurer of the United States, becoming the first immigrant to serve in that position.
Ms. Marin was first elected to the Huntington Park City Council, in 1994, and served through 2001. She has held numerous leadership positions with nonprofit boards. For her contributions, she has been awarded four Honorary Doctorate degrees from CSULA, Whittier College, St. Francis University and Woodbury University. She is the recipient of countless awards and recognitions, including the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Prize, given to her by the Joseph P. Kennedy Foundation at the United Nations in 1995, and the Outstanding American by Choice Award, given to her at the US State Department in 2008.
She resides in Huntington Park with her family.
Gerald Simmons
Honorary UCI Researcher
2600 Walnut Ave
Tustin, CA 92780
ph: (714) 329-3990
Company Web Site
Papers and Presentations
Shock formation in Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe on deuterium gas puff implosions
Shock waves in a Z-pinch and the formation of high energy density plasma
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science: Special Issue on Z-Pinch Plasmas 2015
The Role of Magnetosonic Shocks in the dynamics and stability of staged Z-pinch
Performance of a Liner-on-Target Injector for Staged Z-Pinch Experiments