Nuclear Fusion Rocket Could Reach Mars in 30 Days April 10, 2013 A concept image of a spacecraft powered by a fusion-driven rocket. In this image, the crew would be in the forward-most chamber. Solar panels on the sides would collect energy to initiate the process that creates fusion. Credit: University of Washington, MSNW Nuclear fusion, the energy source that fuels the sun … Read more

Korea aims at completing a DEMO by 2037

iter newsline 04 Feb, 2013 Korea’s projected K-DEMO: a tokamak with a 6.65-metre major radius (as compared to ITER’s 6.21 metres), a peak TF field of ~16 Tesla, and a TF field at plasma centre of ~7.6 Tesla. Harnessing fusion energy in the 21st century is a lot like going to the Moon in the … Read more

South Korea makes billion-dollar bet on fusion power Jan. 21, 2013 Reactor to be built in 2030s represents a step towards commercial use. The K-STAR nuclear fusion reactor, in Daejeon, South Korea, will be succeeded by a larger, more ambitious project. South Korea has embarked on the development of a preliminary concept design for a fusion power demonstration reactor in collaboration with … Read more

PPPL teams with South Korea on the forerunner of a commercial fusion power station

PPPL By John Greenwald December 21, 2012 (Photo by Courtesy of South Korea’s National Fusion Research Institute.) Schematic sketch of the proposed K-DEMO fusion facility. The U.S. Department of Energy’s Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) has joined forces with researchers in South Korea to develop a pre-conceptual design for a pioneering fusion facility in that … Read more

PJMIF as a Primary Propulsion Driver for Project Icarus

This is the video of a talk given by Dr. Sava Patilala at the 62nd International Astronautical Congress, in Cape Town, South Africa in 2011. He discusses project Icarus, which is to get a vehicle to the sun from the earth. The project proposes to use PJMIF to power the engines. download the video

Report on Technical Feasibility of Fusion Energy to the Special Committee for the ITER Project

March 8, ASDEX Upgrade Seminar M. Kikuchi Former member of subcommittee for Fusion Development Strategy under Fusion Council Charge to Subcommittee for Fusion Development Strategy (3) Technical feasibility of the fusion energy (4) Extension of the program and basic supporting research For topic (3) above, the Special Committee additionally requested an evaluation of the feasibility … Read more

Categories EU

And Energy for All

Weizmann Wonder Wander 2005 Prof. Yitzhak Maron. Clean energy An ancient Greek myth relates that Prometheus, son of gods, stole fire from the heavens and gave it to the people on Earth. This gift and all its many applications catapulted humankind from a harsh, primitive existence toward civilization. Today, scientists in many parts of the … Read more